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Final Year Project, Barbarian Shaman - Week 3

My final module for my university degree is a self managed project for which we will produce a high quality piece that demonstrates our skills to the best of our ability. We are allowed to choose the piece to work from and the media in which to create it, with regular feedback from our tutors to monitor our progress.

Current Progress:

In my last entry I explained how I broke down the elements that I would use in the production of this piece and how I refined the basemesh that I had created that week.

Initial Pass

With the body now in the desired shape, I was able to move on to developing the layers of clothing and items present in the concept art, again beginning with basic blockouts. Creating the skull piece was straightforward using mesh extract, however I had some difficulty shaping the nose because it juts out much further than a human skull normally would in the concept.

Initial Ribcage Pass

One area of particular interest which I had difficulty with this week was blocking out the shape of the ribcage on the chest because all the pieces have unique shapes which makes fitting in the ribs more of a challenge.

CurveBridge Tool

I was able to create the layered skirt rather easily by using an extracted section of the hips and bridging the gap between this and a plane using the CurveBridge Tool to create the shape of the skirt. This gave me a rough shape to work with that closely fit the body. From this I then removed sections to create the tattered effect and will later experiment with using nanomesh to create the material texture.

Bandage Tool

Using a bandage tool, I have been able to start work on adding the various straps on the body which has significantly helped speed up the process.

Blockout progress

Sculpting and Refinement

With the main items now in place I can move onto refining them so that they more closely resemble the concept. Most of the detail in this stage requires following anatomy studies on various animals and adding any interest areas where the bone could have been fractured or chipped.

Next Stage:

The next stage for this model is to do an overall pass to increase the level of detail on all of the items and adding the smaller, more intricate items that bring the piece together.

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